Monday, October 14, 2013

PCET reflections

Developing reflective practice is good for many professionals. Becoming a reflective practitioner is a valuable and beneficial skill. The students on my PCET course are no stranger to the concept.  Their 'day jobs' require them to be reflective in a number of ways and now I am asking them to continue the process, not only as part of their ICT module assignment, but also as part of the on-going reflective process as trainee teachers. The method of recording their reflections is of course a blog. Their blogs will be used two fold. Firstly as they begin their reflections, it will be demonstrating their use, understanding and progress of using technology in their teaching and learning. As it builds and they add content and media it will develop in to an e-portfolio. They will however continue to write, reflect and engage with the technology as they continue on their journey to becoming qualified teachers. The bonus of the blog is that I can continue to read and enjoy their reflections even after they leave my module. So to simplify reflective practice: What? Here are the fact. So what? What did they mean, what did I learn. Now what? So what do I do with this new information, how does this information affect my practice?

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