Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Embedding a PowerPoint in to your Blog

The whole point of creating your blog is to share your thoughts, ideas and interests with your readers.  The reason that you select to do so may vary though.  Some of my students will be blogging under duress, because it is a requirement of the module and because it is an assessed element, or even the whole assessment.  The idea of our blogging as far as my students and I are concerned is that we not only reflect on the materials, concepts and technology finds, but that we build a collection of useful material that we can share with our readers.  Today's share is adding PowerPoints to a blog.  There are a number of ways to do this, other that just adding screen shots, which does not need explanation at this stage!
The first way is to create a SlideShare account and upload and share your PowerPoint, then copy the embed code from SlideShare and paste it into the HTML page of your blog post. If this sounds like German then see the SlideShare how to guide below. 
The other way is to use your PowerPoint Web App, which may be an application connected to your student email account, or your Hotmail account.  You access this easily from PowerPoint itself if you have Office 2010 or above.


Unknown said...

This is a very interesting and useful share. Thankyou for your imparted knowledge. I shall attempt to try this later in the week.

Mandy said...

Good luck, I look forward to reading your blog Mark

clairebrenton said...

REFLECT+COLLECT+SHARE=BLOGGING new ground for me so all and any shares will help. Thanks.