Sunday, October 24, 2010

Making Progress - useful link

Well I have finished my MA Ed. I handed it in, begrudgingly and with trepidation. But it has gone to its markers, and I hope they are gentle with it! I can’t believe I have done it at last. It seems to have taken ages, although I suppose the dissertation has only taken 10 months from start to finish. The topic of the dissertation was easy; it had to be Web 2 technologies! It filters through all I teach now so it seemed quite natural. And if you look back at earlier posts you can see how the research began. It is strange now though now it is done, it has left quite a void. The research for the literature review was very interesting, it help feed my habit and supplied me with new and exciting ideas for future teaching. It also provided a broader view of the impact Web 2 is having on education in general. It was great to hear how others were integrating Web 2 in their teaching and to read of their perceptions of the new wave. What’s next I wonder?

1 comment:

Sam said...

im sure the markers will be fine! good luck ..