Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Why Use Audio in Learning and Teaching?

A discussion of the IMPALA (, an HEA funded project, was setup in 2006 to investigate the impact ofpodcasting on student learning.


Unknown said...

I hadn't heard of Podcasting until I embarked on this module. This would be great tool for drama and students studying the media courses which have become very popular. The video explains the simplicity of podcasting, although I would pass on trying to create one. I am just getting my head around blogging.! I can see the potential though and like the progress in technology I have been left speechless by what is out there. Thank you.

Unknown said...

This digital media video reminded me of an old cine film of my eldest sisters wedding in 1964 which has now been transferred on to a DVD. Fantastic, The whole thing brought tears to my eyes when I saw my grandmothers on the screen.