Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Experimenting with Scratch to create animations

This is a simple animation that has been created in Scratch. Today my students explored the online version of the application in order to develop their programming skills, alongside their keen social development and caring, sharing nature! The idea of the online community is that you explore the projects that have been created by other ‘scratchers’, create your own and then share! Simple. I’m afraid that my effort is very simple, but to be fair, she explains(!) I kept editing mine. When anyone asked how something was done I would have to play about with my code to see how it would work, honest! The great thing about allowing you to embed the code into your blog is not only to entertain your readers, but you can edit your scratch project anytime and it will be updated on your blog. Cool saves having lots of versions all over the place and it allows you to respond to the comments left by your readers in terms of suggestions for improvement. Win, win!


Unknown said...

That is a very interesting blog to explore.

Unknown said...

Animations capture the interests of all children, the crazier the better, I loved scratch.