I had a wonderful experience in London on Tuesday, Playful Learning with CEMP and Future Lab. There were some awe inspiring keynote speakers that really made you think of the pace in which technology has moved, and the shape of education following slowly in its shadow!
And now we begin a new academic year, new students and new challenges. At this time of the year I always question myself about all aspects of my life as a teacher and educator. What will I say when I meet the first set of new faces, will what I have to say have any impact on them? Well this year is no different. I am at my PC wondering what the challenges will be this time. For me the scary aspect of new students and their knowledge of ICT is the most daunting. What can I begin to tell them that they don't already have a head start on? Well hopefully it is all about application, and I don't mean computer application, but how they apply the knowledge that they have of ICT to develop their knowledge and understanding of all other aspects of education...Well here's to a new and exciting year. I'll keep you posted on the developments and any new ICTs that I am introduced to.
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