Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Changing the date and time of a post

The date and time settings for a post are beneath the postediting field, just click the Post Options link.


Laura said...

Hi Mandy,

Sorry to be a pain, but could you remind me how to add an attachment to the Wiki please?!

Thanks Laura

Laura said...

Hi Mandy,

Sorry to be a pain, but could you remind me how to add an attachment to the Wiki please?!

Thanks Laura

Mari said...

Hi Mandy, tried to change the time on my posts (which was wrong)as per your blog but they went to scheduled and didn't appear on my blog. Have since found time zone on settings then formatting and changed to GMT London (was on somewhere tropical!) which has set my blogspot to correct time and altered the time on all my postings to what it was when I did them. Yipee I'm making progress!!